Monday, May 1, 2017

Bruce Lietzke recently wrote to journalist Bob West (see link above) the following:

“On Thursday morning I was given a diagnosis that I have a brain tumor of substantial size. I am already in a hospital in Dallas and I have a surgery scheduled Monday at 7 a.m…. Please tell your readers that I am a man of faith. I believe that God doesn’t always answer all prayers that come his way, and the ones that he answers don’t always have the results we want. But I do believe he hears all of the prayers. I do know that Jesus has lived in my heart since 1976 and I will draw from his strength and spirit to lead the way in this fight. Please ask your readers to pray for me, possibly for an extended period of time.”

Bruce Lietzke is a fine example of the Christian faith and message making a difference in a person's life.