Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Why Playing a Fade May Help Your Golf Game

Here’s an excerpt from Hitting a Fade May Help Your Golf Game by Ken Ruggiero.

“Here’s why [a fade gives you more room for error]. If you can hit a driver straight down the middle into a fairway that is 40 yards wide, you create a room for error of 20 yards on either side of center.

However, if you can hit a fade a shot with consistency, then you can hit your tee ball down the left side of the fairway, knowing that your ball will be curving towards the center. You have in effect doubled the margin of error on the fairway by eliminating misses to the left.

You could do the same with a draw, but a draw is more difficult to contain because it tends to run out further. A fade generally moves from left to right and gently lands without much topspin. It’s more controllable.”

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